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Barbados Weather

Barbados Weather is hard to beat. Barbados has one of the best climates in all of the Caribbean. The weather is almost always warm and sunny throughout the whole year. Because of its westerly location, it also generally has fewer tropical storms and hurricanes than any other Caribbean island. The average day time high in Barbados is 30 degrees centigrade of 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Barbados also recorded a phenomenal 3,000 hours of sunshine last year. Of course it does often rain in Barbados as it is a tropical island but the rain tends to come in short hard bursts and followed very soon afterwards by plenty of sunshine.

Barbados Weather

The other wonderful thing about Barbados weather is the fact that there are often prevailing northeast trade winds blowing steadily both day and night. Therefore it rarely gets unbearably hot. Temperatures hardly ever exceed ninety degrees at any time of the year. The night time is a couple of degrees cooler then during the day but you will hardly ever need to bring a cardigan or jacket to keep warm.

The dry season is between the months of December and June each year. The rainy season is generally between June and November. Because it typically falls in short quick bursts, the rain doesn’t often affect the quality of your holiday. It does tend to be more humid during these months and especially in September and the beginning of October which makes the real feel of the temperature feel hotter.

But if you do get a bit too hot, it’s the perfect excuse to take a cooling dip in the ocean which is never too far away or if you are staying in one of our Barbados Villas, then a dip in your private pool is always wonderful. Many of our housekeepers will pamper you with refreshing drinks and ice cold towels.

Because of the fabulous year round climate, Barbados tends to be much less seasonal then its neighbouring Caribbean islands. So Barbados is not just a fantastic place to visit in the winter it is also a wonderful destination for clients looking for summer sun too. The summer also has the advantage of having considerably better value prices for some of the Barbados rentals.

To see the current weather forecast Weather

The figures outlined below show monthly average maximum temperatures and monthly average rainfall for Barbados.

  Temp Rain mm
January 28 69
February 28 49
March 29 40
April 30 48
May 31 62
June 30 110
July 30 135
August 30 159
September 30 174
November 30 179
December 29 98